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We will be playing crown green bowls at Maghull town hall at least once a week & you are welcome to join us. We are beginners too, so don't worry if you've never played before, we  can all learn together & have a good time. Bowls is a relaxing game which can help you to stay active & make new friends. Age, sex, gender, religion & race does not matter - everyone can enjoy the benefits of crown green bowls

Some photos from our first NLPD bowls game at Brownmoor Brooke BC



Jack/ block - The Crown Green Jack is the target the players aim to get their bowls the closest to in order to win an end. In competition play, a jack must be composition (plastic), black or yellow & have a valid BCGBA date stamp

A beginners guide to Crown Green Bowls

Buying bowls

If you would like to own your own pair of bowls, it's important to know what size/ weight you need. You can do that by going to a retail shop or perhaps the best way to find out what you need is to go to your local bowling green & try a few different weights to see which feels best

You can also buy bowls online at places like Amazon, Ebay or Facebook Marketplace but you have to ensure you choose Crown Green bowls, as some sellers don't know the difference between

Crown Green, Short Mat or Lawn  Bowls

The 2 most popular bowls manufacturers in the UK are

Drakes Pride (Liverpool) & Thomas Taylor (Glasgow)

A pair of Lignum Vitae bowls
lignum vitae bowls.jpg

Lignum Vitae bowls are considered to be a better quality of bowl when comparing with the composition (plastic) alternative bowl, this is reflected in the cost with the wooden bowls costing over £200 for a new pair & plastics costing approx from £90


The woods in the picture above have been reconditioned to a very high standard. Prices for renovating lignum vitae bowls start from approx £50 (For this price they will get a test & polish), this means the bias will be set to the standard 2 full bias used in Crown Green


Registered UK charity - 1203401

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