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Hi on behalf of John ( left ) and James ( Both PwP)


Firstly may we wish you a warm welcome to PARKINSON'S SUPPORT and hope that your experience with us is beneficial to your general health and in particular to your ability to manage your Parkinsons symptoms to allow you to enjoy a happy and fulfilled life. We are a group of people who along with our partners are building a community in which empathy, support and the encouragement to achieve new goals are our priority. 





We are a voluntary group brought together by a chance meeting between our founder, John Roche and Co Founder James Clark in 2019.  The group, under the name Northern Lights established its base and a partnership with Marine AFC and set about welcoming new members. Soon after we were  favourably recognised and were nominated as a Community Resource by Parkinsons UK as we sit in a location which did not previously have a presence offering specific support for PwP (People with Parkinson's). That in brief is what we do . We support PwP, their partners, families and carers - all of whom play a critical role in the management of the condition - and offer a range of activities across a broad spectrum including entertainment, the arts, wellbeing and mindfulness and also sports including walking football, crown green bowls while there will be ( subject to Covid regulations ) a monthly meeting at our base at Kensington House (Maghull) - where board games, bingo, and dancing for the more energetic amongst us will kick up their heels as only PwP can do.                                                                                                          

We are not medically qualified but are all affected by Parkinsons whether as a diagnosed patient  (most of us attend The Walton Centre) or partner. We have a range of diagnosed dates from three months to fifteen years , a range of symptoms and medications including  experience of some of the side effects, we have members who have undergone DBS surgery and others waiting for the treatment in the near future and we have above all empathy and understanding because we have walked a mile in your shoes.   


Registered UK charity - 1203401

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